mercredi 7 septembre 2011

BzzAgent Kindle campaign

Ce message du blog sera écrit en anglais pour me permettre d'accéder à la campagne d'évaluation du Kindle sur BzzAgent.

Hello BzzAgent Jono, I would be thrilled to try the new Kindle 3.  I am a stay at home mom who just launched this reviewing blog in french so I can evaluate products for French Canadians.  I can read and write very well in English, but I am aware that most people in Quebec are not very fluent in English, so my goal is to connect with those people that are left out by most review sites on the web.

Also, since I am always on the move with my one year old son, something as lightweight as the Kindle would be most perfect to carry everywhere.  I always have too much stock to carry with the diaper bag, the stroller and the toys for my little guy, so most of the time I don't have the place to carry a book and I miss reading.  So by choosing me, I could start reading again and review books in English as well as in French.

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